existence_proof is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

From Go-Quiz.com

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Alicia's blog

Alicia will be turning 1 come 15 December. She's the latest addition to our family and she's my niece. :D

No, I did not have a long lost brother or something, she's my cousin's daughter. And her blog is written by her mom. [durr...since she can't type yet]

Go! See her in all her cuteness~

Saturday, November 29, 2008

And now I have a Figurine

Came back from Cameron Highlands on Monday.

Cameron was...dull. Not so if you like overdoeses of veggies and fruits and flowers and tea. And strawberries.... Especially strawberries...

So nothing about Cameron will be posted here today.

Went to 1U with my cousins yesterday. Thought going there was just for fun and stuff, but then we saw this Toys'R Us promoting...booth...thingy...

And my broter and Alison ran towards it. Coz its Toys'R Us...
Kids like Toys'R Us apparently...

Wandering around there, something big and white caught my eye.

No....It can't be...

Wait, yes, it IS!!! Its...Its...GACHAPONSSSSSS...
And wait, it gets better...
Gundam 00 Gachapons!

So after 3 Rm4 tokens and cussing the machine (who wouldn't eat our tokens), I now can proudly say "Yes, I own a Lockon Stratos figurine"
Nevermind that its just 11cm tall and just costs RM 12. Its STILL my first ever figurine.

And. I'm. Happy. So there.

I wanted to go again, because I wanted the Setsuna one. But after being reminded that its not good to blow all my saved-for-Gundam00 cash (and also for the upcoming animecon, if I ever make it there) on these little Gachas, I decided not to be greedy, and move on.

After all, Lockon is also my second favourite character.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I HAS AN ARTBOOK~~~ *dances*

Got this, uhm, last Sunday. But just couldn't find the time to post this.
Anyway, this is CLAMP's Tsubasa Artbook, Album de Reproductions. I thank my cousin for going to that shop the other day and finding this for me if not I would not even be holding this today. So... THNX TEEEEEEEENG~~~
My life is now 35% complete.... =w=

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Went for the end-of-year high tea organized by a school club I'm in yesterday.

Yes, I was down with the flu and still went there, without bringing a jacket, knowing full welll that it was in an air-conditioned room.
I must get my brain checked for common sense one of these days.

So anyway, was already 3 something by the time I got there. Then I found Kennet, Ben and Viki outside the door. They're our Form 5 seniors, and they're wearing smiley pins on their shirts. O,o They'll be graduating next year [if they don't take Form 6] and we'll miss them a lot. Back to main topic. They were standing directly outside the door, so I thought noone had come yet and so stayed and mingled with them. Then Kat and Justin came, and THEY thought too that noone had came too. And so we all mingled for another few minutes or so, when someone opened the door to come out and....We saw the room full of people...


Going in, I sat next to Wei Shiu and Ducky. We were sharing the table with Dhanya, Daneeta, Kah Yee, Shalini, ChienLing and Roshini. We reminised about last year, and coincidently, we were sitting at the exact same table from last year and with the same people too. Sadly, last year, we had Sarah, but she changed schools earlier this year, so... *sighs*

Our MC for that day was Chrishen and he entertained us great. Mr Francis was also very active, and was kinda lording over the music, playing oldies the entire night. He even ordered an ABBA session for a while! Several other teachers were there too, but they weren't as active or awesome as Mr Francis. They even left early, but Mr Francis stayed with us until the end of the party, which was already 7 by then.

After food, we had a lucky draw with winners getting ridiculous prizes [a giant milk bottle coin box is one of them] and several games. Note worthy ones are the poison parcel, bombing game, and the treasure hunt. We even had a performance by Ian, Saren, Brian and David with Chrishy playing the guitar. It was supposed to be accapella [i presume] but things just got so hillarious and crack-y that they almost burst out laughing several times. But, it was a good performance.

GAmes. We played the bombing game first. Teams were split according to tables. My team lost coz we were pretty blur about whats happening, and the table beside us kept bombing us, so...yea... VeeVian and Kat's table lost out after us. Then Gabrielle's team lost. Ian's team lost next. And they were kinda sore, so they kept trying to confuse the remaining teams by shouting a bunch of nonsense. XD Forgot who's team won in the end. Still...

Next, we played the poison parcel game. They imposed penalties for the losers. The first few, had to impersonate some teachers. Which, was quite funny, but not much fun. Then Mr Francis' son, who was also present, lost, and so they made him tell us about Mr Francis' embarrasing habits at home. And then when Ian lost....they made him spell Mississippi....
With his butt XD Oo, and they must be dotted small letter 'i's. Lol

Cameras and handphones were whipped out immediatly to capture that hillarious moment. Love to post it here, but I'll have to find someone to send me that video...*hopes Nicole has it*

Then we had the treasure hunt. Running around in groups of 5, I forgot that I was sick and ran faster when I saw the opposing team, who was doing the same question as my team, ran past me. We thought we would win, but everyone got stuck at the last task. So in the end, Joshua's team won, adn it was when I sat back down that I felt woozy and remembered that I was sick.

And so should not be sitting in an air conditioned room when sweating.

But noo, I dismissed it, and got a plate of spaghetti. Coz running made me hungry. [felt ok that day, in the end i got sicker when i went back home heheh...]

During the break interval, Chrishen pulled the shaking hand joke on Mr Francis. And that joke became a reccuring gag throught the day.

Then came the statue dance thing. And Dickson was doing his super complicated dance so 'freezing' was very hard for him to do. Then everyone started dancing and pulling people out to dance. I was pulled out, but was feeling woozy again, so I sat back down.

Then came the time for the party to end. The Form 5s are leaving next year, and so they took a lot of pictures. Kah Yee and Dan are changing schools next year, so they took pics too. With Kah Yee leaving, I would lose my *almost* twin. Coz since our names are almost similiar and we have almost similiar haircuts, people tend to confuse the two of us and mix up our names. It won't be fun anymore if she's not here next year... T^T

So after a whole bunch of pictures and hundreds of goodbyes and good lucks to those sitting for their SPM in a few years time, we went home.

And my flu worsened.

By today, I stopped sneezing, but my voice changed and I think a fever is coming. Pfft...figures...

*pictures/videos coming up as soon as possible*

Friday, November 7, 2008


Nya~ We did this Mural a few days ago. The base was already there, done by QY and Moon. So, me, Hui Ling and Jie Xi added the shading and flowers together with Moon.
Floor was really dusty, so we went home with balck-turned-white pants. Took almost a whole school day to do this. Still, though its not one of our best work, we're still proud of it, coz it was a real pain-in-the-ass to finish.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

First Post

Recently realised that everyone I know uses blogspot. Plus, me using another blogging site would be really annoying to post comments and add friends and stuff, so I thought, bleh, why not just open another blog?

So yea, here it is....