existence_proof is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

From Go-Quiz.com

Saturday, March 20, 2010

PBSM Camp [the night sky]

This is a little special, so it needs a seperate post all by itself.
On the first night, we played a game. Its a little similiar to the traditional Cops n' Robbers game, except it was played in the dark. Every single light was turned off, making the only source of light the flashlights of the 'cops'.
The robbers, or smugglers, had the task of smuggling various items to their(our) base to us(me and Psan). We picked the school field as our base.
It was scary at night, and it was really dark, but when we looked up, we could see the stars.
I haven't seen stars in a long time.
And you know something? The night sky isn't really black or blue. Its actually red in color.

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