existence_proof is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

From Go-Quiz.com

Sunday, October 4, 2009

End of the Journey of the Dream

Its finally over. The End. Owari. End of the Dream's Journey.
And so on.

I can't believe it, to be honest coz the ending didn't exactly feel like an ending. But it was sweet and sad at the same time.

And now, there is this...this...void....I feel so lost.
From now on, I don't have to think of TRC everyday to understand the plot and stuff. Sao, I'm really gonna miss it...

The cover spread. Kinda reminds you of happier times, doesn't it?

And the last page. IT doesn't explain much. I am still very very confused over whats happening and what has happened.

But fear not, there will be an extra chapter next week. Hopefully, that will offer us some much needed closure.

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