existence_proof is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

From Go-Quiz.com

Saturday, January 9, 2010

So, first week of school

It went rather well, actually...

I'm happy with my seating placements, we're not scolded by our chemistry teacher (yet xD) and school ends (kind off) earlier this year to clear classes for the afternoon session people.

But my class roof is leaking (haarhar) so we have to move somewhere else temporary (and I dunno where in the world is that) until Tuesday.

And they changed the names of our sports teams!! ;A;

My team(Guess what GAIZ? I'm in the BLUE TEAM 8D)'s new name sounds...edible now.. ==
It used to be called 'Wira', meaning Hero. And now it sounds like...some kind of biscuit (yes, Kinabalu reminds me of biscuits ==)

The red team used to be called 'Saga', I used to envy them coz they could probably brag about being on team A9 (Alice Nine's bassist is also called Saga xD) and now they're called...something lame-ish. (TAHAN AHAHAHAHAHAHA)

Green used to be 'Waja', and now its 'Ledang' (puteri gunung Ledang anyone? xD And lol I almost typed 'leday')

Yellow used to be 'Rusa'. Now, deers are very nice...and cute and cuddly and stuff, it wasn't so bad, you see? And now they're called 'SANTUBO' (or santubol, or whatever). cough.

Oh! We played jumprope during Pjk. Its like returning to our childhood or something xDDD

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