existence_proof is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

From Go-Quiz.com

Thursday, December 11, 2008

TRC Chpater 207!!!!!!

TRC Chapter 207!!!

It was supposed to be released on the 10th, but Onemanga only uploaded it today. So altogether, I've been waiting for.....2 extra days for this chapter to be released since the last cliffhanger. Rawr..

Anyway, moving on...

Behold! Yet another nostalgic happier-early-times pic for the cover. I believe this was when they were in the Hanshin Republic, if I'm not mistaken...

^ARE YOU SEEING THIS MOON? C!Syaoran vs R!Syaoran.

^Yes, didn't it???

^Darn, Epic fight scenes...

Right, nothing much to elaborate this time, since this whole chapter is just about *fight scenes* and talk about how C!Syaoran is getting stronger and stuff.
Run over to Onemanga to read it if you're curious. Fight scenes anyway, and I never post the whole chapter, coz this post will be really long if I do so.

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