existence_proof is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

From Go-Quiz.com

Friday, February 20, 2009

Teh PBSM thingy Part 1

Well, so during the previous week, me, Jackie, Kah Yee and Daneeta went to this...Hocky Stadium (the one opposite the Assunta Hospital) as part of a PBSM thing. Coz its a hockey match. And they didn't have a team there, so we went.

So.. yea...

Kinda a great experience. First time in my life I had to do first aid and bandage stuff.
And also first time cleaning wounds, disinfecting them and then bandaging them.

First time, coz everytime I get injured myself, I just wash it with cold water and let it heal natuarally. Haha. NOW I know...wounds need to be disinfected first....

The load of pictures and everything are with Kah Yee. Will post them when she sends them to me. For now, you will just have to look at the pretty pretty sky on the 3rd or 4th day.

Funny thing actually. We got lost going there during the first and second day, and we got lost going back to school on the third and fourth day. And on the fifth and final day, we made it back with no complications at all. Yay us~~~
And then on the second day, we got ice-cream at the McDonalds Drive through. And Miss Ng scratched her car in the process... (Sorry for making you go there Miss Ng...) and we got ice cream sundaes on the fourth day.
Mcflurries shrunk. They're tiny now and they still cost RM5. Grrr....

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