existence_proof is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

From Go-Quiz.com

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bio : Frog Day

Tuesday. Was Frog Day.

I never thought this day would come, coz I assumed that Malaysian schools were always a step behind everything and therefore us young little Form 4 students can't possibly handle any dissection of frogs.

I was sorely mistaken...

Dissection was a go.

So. Bio lab up the second floor. Books away. Took scaples and surgical scissors and all that.
And of course, the forgs.

Fat things they are. I think these are those meant to be eaten frogs, seeing how the hell they're so FAT.

So first, we dumped a forg in a huge beaker then dumped in a cotton wool soaked with chlorofoam to knock out the frogs.

Well, easier said than done.
The frogs PUT UP A FIGHt. But we managed.
Though, Gigih DID actually break one of a frog's spine in the process. Painful way to go.

'Dissecting tray'. Uh-huh...

Well, the forg was supposed to be KNOCKED OUT AND CLOSE TO DEATH.
What we didn't expect was for it to suddenly MOVE when we were cutting it. And it was squirming mind you.
Our stupid blunt scapel wasn't helping much either rawr.

Yes, you're looking at frog guts here. We're sorry, Frog-san. Its all in the name of learning.
RIP Frog-san.
Short. Coz I don't wanna explain everything in minute detail. Maybe I'll get someone to upload the video.
Not that it was only scary when we realised Frog-san was still alive when we cut it out of pity. After seeing guts and blood, we got used to it within a minute.
And now, there are froggie bloodstains on the floor of the Bio lab.

1 comment:

Wayne said...

We don't have anything like this in England, at least not that I know of. Though I've heard it and saw it mainly in America. Maybe we're too soft over my end huh.