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Monday, December 21, 2009

Comic Fiesta 2009!! Part II

[from Fluffy-chan's camera]

I think thats Grell and Undertaker from Kuroshitsuji. (thanks Fluffy)
Fluffy asked for their pic >DD
They have Devarts too, so I'm pimping them here
Circus-usagi here, all links are at her side.

Sakura of TRC!!
Natsukashi naa...

The Dissidia group!! I missed them but Fluffy-chan got them

I think this is D.Gray-man...
I think...

The catboy from Loveless!! (Ritsuka?)
Notice how the lighting makes it look like some sort of halo is surrounding him xDD

Natsukashi naa...

Hey thar Ichigo and Hollow~ 8D

Zima and Dita again... 8D

Fluffy has a better pic of the Code Geass trio


Damn caps...

Is that the Rima from last year?

[/from Fluffy-chan's camera]

Not sure where this guy is from, but he was waving at random people, then he turned around and waved at us >DD
We found him really adorable, so we just took a pic.

This is really cool. Her weapon looks so real!!

Different Lambo from before. This one poses like Lambo too >3

See? See? I got the Loveless catboy too....just with other people... ==
Oh, and hi thar, Inoue...

This was one of the best parts.
All cosplayers were asked to go on stage to do....CARAMELLDANSEN!!
There is a video of this, give ya guys later...

Why are all the shots sideways you ask?
Because I'm short, and if I stand in the middle to take the vid and pics, everyone's head will be in the way, so I was on the sidelines...

Suddenly, they started playing SNSD and SuperJunior songs, and those who knew how to dance rushed up on stage and danced.
There was chaos as everyone ran up on stage with them to get shots. I ran up too...
Unfortunately... I'm short (curses) and so I only got a few interesting shots of other heads and cosplayers instead of the dancers... ==
Haha, I thought this was a Grandes Menos from Bleach, it turned out to be that...thing from Spirited Away xDD
Personally, I think the effect here is rather good hehe...

I call this 'Spot the Reborn'. Can you see his orange fedora with Leon?

After the dance thing, I gave up coz I couldn't see anything, below stage however, I spotted this...
There were lots of KHR cosplays that day eh?

This was the dance segment. The DJs were playing random dance songs, and the cosplayers rushed up onstage once again to dance.

Heyhey~ Its the Joker!!
There he is!! That Hibari!!!
He was playing airguitar with his tonfas!! GAH I wish I caught that moment...it was epic xDD

This guy is awesome okay...

Is that a stormtrooper over there?

If I still remeber correctly, I think it was a Brown Eyed Girls song... ROFL

Ran off a little while and caught her. I think she's from Trinity Blood.

The dancing continues...


Aah, riight, they were playing Michael Jackson's Beat It here.
Lookit everyone, they're so energetic xD
And I think I caught Kazu and the other guy at a very appropriate moment lol

After that, they opened the stage to EVERYONE. And in the end, when almost everyone had left for home, us remaining crazy people ran up on stage.
The DJ announced that it would be the last song of the day so me, Fluffy and Weiwei ran up as well, and they played...Caramelldansen!!!
It felt awesomely awesome, we danced too. And since everyone was dancing like that, we did too. It was fun really...
Words can't express how I felt at that moment...It was too fun >DD
Before we left, we managed to snag a couple more last minute photos of Kuroshitsuji.

On the way out. Just nnoticed the Exit sign was really adorable.

Us at the exit.

Fluffy saw this guy and immediatly noticed that he looked like Saga.
So,, meh xDD

Hey thar Lambo xDD
More cosplay pics over at Fluffy-chan's blog HERE(part1) and HERE (part2)
I also recorded the cosplayers doing Caramelldansen which Weiwei has uploaded on her youtube acc. But she put cosplayer pics in front, so go back a little if you want to skip that.
It was really tiring heh...
Reached home at about 9pm xD
Late dinner, and then a shower haha
So ultimately, we stayed there from 10am to 9pm. woot~
And now, the moment you're waiting for Alee~!!
This is what I think you'd want heh, I'm sorry in advance if none of this match your tastes... xp
And sorry for getting so little, I didn't really walk the doujin booth this year, and a lot of nice stuff were sold out already...
Inside this plastic bag includes:
A FFvsXIII A3 sized poster.

A Kuroshitsuji A4 poster. Be happy okay, this is circus-usagi's last printing

A AesthRuka print

A chibi postcard from Shiroineko-sama and a fantasy postcard

And bookmarks that look freakn cool >3

Now for my stuff. Haha xD
THIS. Is my greatest buy that day.
Since almost all Basara stuff was sold out (T_T) I managed to sang this fanartbook anyway *is proud*.
We saw it quite early actually, but I didn't get it yet coz I wanted to plan a budget and since the girl said there were still lots more stock, I decided to go back later.
In the end, not even halfway through the con, I heard people asking around for 'the Kigai Basara artbook', and (gasp) there were only 10 books left??!!
I ran, yes, RAN all the way back to the booth and got my copy. >D
Yey me
Inside is even prettier~


I had to stand on a freakn chair to get a full pic of this xDD
So, spent less on this year's stuff actually, coz almost everything we wanted was sold out on the first day TT
Blew less than Rm50 actually haiz...
I love being at Comic Fiesta. It always make me feel like I belong.
You can talk to random strangers and fangirl with them too, and noone will judge you, because everyone there are as crazy as you.
Its a wonderful escape from real life, if you will...
Its really awesome. Let's party again next year!! >w<


аlёз said...

i like the things u buy for me man~
thx a lot!

feel sooooooooooo regret for not going CF this year..
i think i'd missed a lot of things..
nxt year i must be going~!!!

enjoyed the pic too..
thx ya my dear XD

Moon said...

AAaaarrr~~ so gud da kar ~~~ i wan go oso !! T^T ...haha~~ next year i must be goi oso !!! hahahhahaha~~~

Anonymous said...

Yep, it's d. gray-man alright^^ Ooh, Lavis hair looks so fluffyyy~~

(characters are Lavi, Allen, Lenalee, Devito, Jasdero and... is that a Kanda behind Deros hand? If he had a katana and a high ponytail it was him^^)

Existence Proof said...

No prob, just happy you like them

Yaya, dat time is after spm liao, so lets stay longer nya~!!

Wait for you nya xD

Seriously? Haha, yey~
Guessed correctly xDD