existence_proof is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

From Go-Quiz.com

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Current timetable

I have to mention, I found a job. (Because constantly posting lyrics to make up excuses for lack of posts, are, well, NOT what a blog is for)

I need the money for the upcoming Comic Fiesta (planning to sweep up as many doujins and merch as I can. Aiming for KHR and Bleach this year. And cosplay pics. Lets not forget that 8D).

Nothing much, really. I'm just babysitting a couple of neighbour's kids with my sister until their mom gets off for her lunch break then take them over to their grandmother's house. Nothing stressful either.

Except for said little kids bitching up at every possible moment. I think my blood pressure will reach its peak by the time I'm done with them. And thats saying something, coz I'm very sure I don't HAVE a blood pressure. Yet.

Tution is starting tomorrow too... Haiz...

Lately, my timetable has been like this:

7.15am : Slams snooze button on alarm (aka my phone) Something mention worthy, Headache Man is a great song to get you to wake up.
7.45am: Finally wakes up
8.00am: Waits for kids to arrive
8.15am - 1.15pm: Dumps large amounts of homework on them and teach them if they don't get it. Also give them breaks to play and socialize. With each other of course.
Rest of day: Computer time. In between is a couple of tution classes, housework, piano classes and the occasional (threatened-to-do-or-else) 'revision' squeezed in.
11.00pm: Yelled at to sleep
12.00am: Finally turns off Hollow and head to bedroom
12.15-1.30am: Draws in bedroom. I make do with my file as a table and I push the eraser shavings to a piece of paper. Aren't I so resourceful?
1.35am: Sets alarm to 7.15am. Finally tired. Sleeps
7.15am: Repeats cycle

Seriously, I can't give up drawing, even if I don't have enough time a day.
6 hours or less of sleep a day is just something to get used to then.

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