existence_proof is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

From Go-Quiz.com

Monday, February 28, 2011

Jealous of you people

Everwhere I go everyone I meet seems to be living their dreams.

They teach because they like to teach.
They sing because they like to sing.
They dance because they like to dance.
They want to be dentists because they like teeth.
They want to be doctors because they think intestines are awesome.
They are photographers because they like to take pictures.
They want to be enginneers because building things are fun.

And they have all the love and support of their family members.

While me and a couple of people I know, want to draw because we love to draw.
We want to draw because we love to dream.

But we can't because apparently it won't support us and there is no market and it won't make us successful and we won't earn money.

So we just shrink back into a corner and draw and draw and sometimes when we have no time we neglect it completely and this guilt, this lonliness, this jealousy eats us up slowly on the inside as we watch you, the people who get to live your dream while for us it will forever be just one thing and nothing else. It will forever be a Dream. Out of reach.

Jealous of you, for being able to live your dream.

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