existence_proof is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

From Go-Quiz.com

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

And the Storm Calms and Passes...

Went to take my PMR results today.

Going out was already quite a hassle. Before leaving the house, I was bombed by a dozen sms-es asking and confirming wether to wear uniform or casual clothes.

In the end, Brian reached there early, and he told Kah Yee and Kah Yee told me that we're not allowed to take our results if we don't come in uniform.

Dress-code decided. Uniform. Just to be on the safe side. And went out.

Dropped Kevin off at Sri Bestari first so that he can take his. Then my om sent me to my school.

Reached there at around 10 something. And so hung out with a bunch of really nervous friends. I kept getting butterflies in my stomach.

And then, the teachers delayed the time and only let us take our results at 11.


So we wait...and wait...and wait...

And finally were able to take them at 11:30.

Moon was still in Vietnam, so Qy took her results for her.

And when it was my turn, I didn't know what to think. I had butterflies, yes, but my brain was drawing blanks. Over and over. And the teacher kept looking for my certs and stuff, and all I could think was "Just hurry up and let me get this over with..."

And she found my slip. My heart skipped a beat.

6As and 2Bs. Curse you, Geography and Chinese...

Blank. I didn't know if I should be laugh or cry?

Guess I should be happy. Click. Brain recognizes emotion. And so I smiled and did a 'V'.

After all, I was expecting to flunk BM and History. So after I let it out, I'm okay haha.

Anyway, A hearty big CONGRATULATIONS to everyone, no matter if you scored or what. We did well, minna-san. We did well. *SMILE!!!* We all did well. Important thing is that we've tried our best!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

you've did great at least you've did your best rite?

we will look forward, and move forward..~ bet i am so gonna miss you, kar jie... T.T although i am not still confirm about the transfer...
