existence_proof is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

From Go-Quiz.com

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Went to the Curve...

Yey~ Yesterday I went out with Alee and Yi An(Kzat from here on, easier to type lol).

We went to the Curve first. Because Alee never go before. So then we said we wanna go eat first. And in the end, we got lost.

A lot of times. =_=

Funny aah, actually, coz I just bragged to my parents like "I'll never get lost in the Curve"

Tch, me and my big mouth. Coz we DID get lost...

In the end we ate at Kim Gary. Yay.

And then Alee showed me her FFVII Reunion Files she bought at Kinokuniya. Freaggin expansive (try Rm 120?), but it was preeeeeeetty~

Then we went to this...place, in Cineleisure. I heard from my friend that there were two, not one, but TWO anime shops there. So thats where we went.

And she was right. There was one if a LOT of figurines!! And Gundam Models!!! HUGE ONES. ON DISPLAY!!!

Alee took pics. Waiting for her to send them to me.

Its called Sun Comics, I think. That place isn't that huge, but it had almost everything!! There were artbooks! Posters! DVDs! OSTs! MERCHANDISE!!! *cough*

And the best part was...

Everything is cheaper than those being sold elsewhere...

I mean. Dude!! The artbooks were below Rm50!! The maximum price there was Rm48!! And OSTs? Rm20 and below. SHIZ!!

All the while there, we were crying and whining over whether to buy some stuff or not, so yea haha...

These are some of the stuff we saw there...

Mokona plushies. I wishe I'd bought one haha...

And this is just one of the shelves. There are a few more shelves.

You SEE THIS?? I was fighting with myself on whether I should get this or not, because I kinda have all the X pics on my computer, but owning it would give me more bragging value. So, in the end, I didn't get it. Decided to save the money for albums and the Alice Nine piano book.

See this? They're just trying to torture me to no end... First X, then FF, now THIS. AAARGH!! TOO MUCH FANDOMS IN A PLACE AT ONCE!!

See the other X artbook thar? And also the Tsubasa one. With piano collections. In it.

*growls* Ack! I kinda want everything in that store.... Kzat was laughing at me and Alee all the way lol


Stupid blurry camera. *points* See Zack jigsaw puzzles?

Haha. Alee almost cried when she saw this. Exactly the same as her Kino-bought Reunion Files, except its only Rm48. In the end though, she felt better. Coz her Kino-bought Reunion Files' pics are in better quality.

This looked pretty, but we didn't buy it, coz we weren't sure if it was an actual FF Merchndise. Yes, shallow are we...


Y'know what? I saw not one, not two, but THREE Code Geass OSTs there, and also the Dissidia OST. Argh, should've gotten the Dissidia one.


So, end product? Alee bought the FF Remix CD, the Zack jigsaw and the awesome poster. Which, I have in my comp xDDD
This one, actually>>>

Yea~ Pretty poster~ Cloth too.
So yea, then Kzat and Alee needed to do something for their school (ChungHwa has many many donation drives...LUCKY I didn't study there), I followed them around and stuff, then we had strawberry yogurt ice cream.
Nice stuff. You should try it..

Then we met up with my parents, and went to have tea. The eggtarts there are small and cute, see above.

See this two? Trying to avoid the camera haha xDDD

This is what I bought that day. Woohoo~ Go me~
1000 pieces de...haha, better start puting them together, I guess xDDD
Oi Alee, Kzat, next time we go OneU!! More stuff to do there. >333

1 comment:

аlёз said...

i reli do hav a very nice day with u guys~!!!
nxt time must cum out 2gther again ~
promise ya=]