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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Birthday :D

Was my birthday on Thursday. School day and stuff, but it was kinda fun.

(the following will be a somewhat perasan post.)

Had Pjk that day. And then, after Pjk, my class sang teh birthday song. >w<
Then, had Moral class before recess, and so went to Gigih class for joint moral class. Came back down for recess.

But when I went into class to dump my books, I saw cake.
And I saw people around the cake. And they started singing the birthday song.
My first surprise birthday party in school. I'm touched. TwT

Thanks you guys~! I lub ya all~~

No pics of the cake unfortunately. There were no cameras present. It was a really pretty cake though. Thanks Moon and 小吕 for that.

So, presents~!

I got this really really pretty pic from Moon. Eh, not here, coz I'm not at home right now. will post it immediatly after I take a pic of it when I get home.

What I DO have now...

Little cards. All from the Gigih class (Wei Shiu is in there, in case you're wondering, Michelle). And 1 from Sheryll xD
Alltogether 11 of them. They were supposed to represent something, but yeah, didn't really get it. Nonetheless, I love them too.

2G Micro SD card from Hong Peng. FYI, he was born on the exact same day (and year, might I add) and we were born in the same hospital. COINCIDENCE?
Yea. the card was stuffed full of Alice Nine and Gazette pics, and a whole bunch of songs.

From Whitney, my dear music-art-loving friend. Handmade~

Aaaaand this shirt from Kah Yee, Matthew and Daneeta xD
Ain't it preeeetty? 8D

Yea, I like it coz theres also a really pretty design at the back too~

All for now x3


@lly said...

erm...how abt my wishes??happy birthday and a kiss woh...kekekeke

Existence Proof said...

KEkeke, oo yea, must put it in oo xDD