existence_proof is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

From Go-Quiz.com

Saturday, April 18, 2009

School stuff...again...

Gah, went back to school this morning.
...Which no sane person would probably be doing on a weekend, but aah...

My school's Red Crescent Society had this meeting today for Exco members and stuff.
I'm Assistant Squad Leader. Small minor position I know, but hey! Its still a position

I just realised that our school's Red Crescent is actually lacking quite a lot of stuff...

Ehm, will not say actually what are they, coz its so embarassing, but yea...

So, we had a VAD today. And her name is Becky.
She's pretty nice indoors (also kept zat-ing...stuff) but then...

When she was teaching us teh marching styles....
She was like a whole different person. I think I've never had to do this much push-ups one short in my whole life XD

Uhm yeah....
Nothing much.

Uh, sky was pretty blue today...

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